Entire ASSW2023 I Location: Festsaal
Opening: 21 February in the afternoon coffee break
This exhibition is part of the project Representations of Gender in Northern Arts and Sciences. See the full program here
"People doing cool stuff": Against the odds, against external and internal obstacles, and in the most beautiful, hostile, and rewarding areas of the world, amazing work gets done every day by (extra)ordinary women. This exhibition showcases the work of #100PolarWomen in the Arctic and Antarctic. Come on a journey with 15 of them in this exhibition! This exhibition is curated by the Women in Polar Science Network and the IASSA Working Group Gender in the Arctic. Funded by IASC, The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation, The Ocean Foundation, SCAR, Arctic PASSION.
More info:
womeninpolarscience.org/100polarwomen and gender-arctic.jimdofree.com