The 7th biennial AOS will be held March 27-29, 2024 in Edinburgh, UK as part of Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2024. The AOS draws a wide range of participants from across the spectrum of Arctic observing – Indigenous experts, operational agency representatives, scientists, and others – from around the world. For more information on the AOS, please visit the website www.arcticobservingsummit.org. Much of the summit is organized around discussions led by working groups on particular themes (Regional to global observing, Data sharing, System implementation/SAON ROADS, Observing System Benefits). In addition to plenary and working group sessions, this year we will include additional breakout sessions.
The Organizing Committee would like to bring to your attention to several calls for input:
- We are recruiting early career co-chairs for each of the four working groups. Please see the announcement on the AOS 2024 webpage for more information. To learn more about the role and see the webinar introducing the AOS, please see the APECS website. Applications are due May 20. Travel support is available for early career co-chairs to participate in the summit.
- We are seeking Indigenous engagement in each of the four working groups. Two (Data Sharing and Observing System Benefits) are still recruiting Indigenous co-chairs. Some travel support will be available for Indigenous participation at the summit. Please contact the AOS and/or the Summit Co-chairs if you are interested, or know someone who might be.
- We have opened a call for session proposals for the summit. Sessions will be 2 to 4 hour blocks during the meeting dedicated to a specific focus, with the goal of generating specific and actionable recommendations for/from the observing community. In keeping with the discussion-focused nature of the AOS, proposed sessions should utilize no more than 50% of their time for presentations. Session proposals are due no later than September 1, 2023, but if you are planning to propose a session we recommend you reach out to an AOS co-chair before then. For more information, please see the AOS website.
- Once again, we are soliciting input to the summit in the form of Short Statements. Statements, limited to 4 pages including figures and references, can serve to highlight important observations and data products, management, or logistical needs or gaps, explore emerging opportunities, address a current challenge, present new initiatives, or technology that can contribute to Arctic observing (including global programs), or review on-going observing activities or issues that are relevant for the development, application, operation, or support of a sustained Arctic observing network. For additional information and to submit a statement by September 1, see the AOS website
We look forward to your input into the 2024 Arctic Observing Summit, and we hope to see you in Edinburgh next March. Online participation will be possible, with more information coming through the ASSW website closer to the meeting.
AOS 2024 Co-Chairs,
Alice Bradley (
Maribeth Murray (
Richard Essery (