The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the University of Edinburgh and the Scottish Arctic Network are very much looking forward to welcoming participants to the Arctic Science Summit Week in 2024 (21-29 March). Detailed arrangements are now well advanced with inspiring and iconic venues secured for the Science Day, welcome reception, and conference dinner. The programme of events and registration links will be available from the start of November.
In the meantime, the call for business and community meetings is now open. There is a lot of conference room capacity, but demand is likely to be strong so please submit your proposals in good time (deadline 30 September): https://assw.info/program/business-and-community-meetings. The ASSW is very pleased to also include the Arctic Observing Summit (27-29 March) and their call for session proposals and short statements is also live (deadline 1 September) https://arcticobservingsummit.org/summits/aos-2024/
You can even reserve your spot in one of the University-owned hotels, the Scott Hotel and the Scholar Hotel, both located beside the main conference venue. https://www.assw.info/practicalities/accommodation Space is limited in these, so reserve now to avoid disappointment.
If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to get in touch via