The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is a large collection of international meetings and workshops providing opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organizations and scientists involved in Arctic research. In 2022, the ASSW will take place in Tromsø March 26-April 1 and consists of the three parts: Business & Community Meetings, a Science Day, and the 6th Arctic Observing Summit.
We are looking for volunteers who can support us online or in-person in Tromsø.
This is a fantastic opportunity for students, early career researchers, and others interested in Arctic research and research organizations to get involved and help organize the most important annual gathering of the Arctic research organizations. Please note that you need to be in Tromsø during the ASSW 2022 in order to volunteer.
Online support is mainly needed for the different online meetings taking place.
In-person support in Tromsø is needed for a range of activities, such as:
- registration
- information
- meeting support
- help with the poster sessions and other social activities
We are also looking for volunteers with indigenous (research) background to be present in the Indigenous lounge which will be open during the entire ASSW. The Indigenous lounge will be located in Árdna, the Sami cultural building on UiT campus.
In turn, we offer a combination of free in-person registration, refreshments, lunch, attendance at the ice-breaker, poster sessions, or the conference dinner, depending on the amount of support given by the volunteer. For more details, please see the registration form.
If you are interested in volunteering at ASSW 2022, please fill out the registration form until latest March 15. Please wait with the conference registration until we have confirmed you as a volunteer! If you have questions, please contact us: