28 March 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Closed Session (By Invitation Only)
Room: 1.413 (Teorifagbygget Hus 1)
Session Abstract:
This workshop will contribute to SDG14 goals and OceanObs19 recommendations for the central Arctic region addressing the challenges in observing the central Arctic ice-ocean environment. The pan Arctic changes in sea ice coverage and sea ice types have been monitored over several decades using satellite remote sensing. However, the changes in material properties of the sea ice and the ocean under the sea ice are poorly monitored by satellites. Therefore, the central Arctic, and in particular the Eurasian Basin, is one of the least observed oceans in the world, and correspondingly the physical, biogeochemical, and biological processes in the water column under the sea ice are poorly understood. In situ measurement are needed to document and understand the changes in sea ice and ocean and for validation of climate and ocean prediction systems.
This workshop focuses on challenges and advances in the data delivery chain, with emphasis on observing system used in the ice-covered regions of the Arctic. Observing systems include sensors on airborne drones, drifting ice tethered observatories and networks, mobile underwater platforms, bottom anchored moorings, and seafloor observatories (cabled and not cabled). For each system we want to address the full data delivery chain and its role in an integrated ocean observing system. Outcome from the workshop will be formulated as recommendations for future developments of an Integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System. Recommendations will be used towards national and international funding agencies, programs, and organisations active in Arctic observing.
The workshop will be organised thematically with respect to platforms. Agenda will be provided with the invitation.
14:00-15:30 CEST:
Using drones to support navigation in ice infested areas (Digital Arctic Shipping)
Session lead: Torill Hamre (Hybrid and by invitation)
16:00-18:00 (CEST):
New opportunities in Arctic Ocean Observing
Session lead Hanne Sagen (Hybrid and by invitation)
Session Organizer:
Hanne Sagen