29 March 2022 from 09:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)

30 March 2022 (Excursion)

Open Meeting




Session Abstract: 

Understanding the causes and consequences of current Arctic change is an urgent and immense task for humankind. The AGORA initiative represents a common ground to bring together researchers, indigenous researchers, and community stakeholders as a collective to discuss the core problems faced by the Arctic in the 21st Century. This workshop focuses on how historical knowledge and long-term data extending beyond the currently limited instrumental monitoring records may increase our Arctic understanding. Agora's main aim is to integrate both current and past knowledge on social and environmental variability (e.g., using paleorecords) to assess the impacts of global change in the Arctic systems (e.g., climate warming, geomorphological changes, environmental pollution, land use, etc.).

The AGORA project aims to include early career researchers, indigenous organizations, arctic communities, and researchers to consider how historical and long-term datasets could increase our understanding of Arctic biophysical components and the socio-economic and cultural systems. Looking at the past provides the opportunity to document the complex relationships between climate, geomorphological processes, ecosystems, and human societies, which may provide a deeper understanding of how they will respond to ongoing changes in the future.
The format of the hybrid workshop (online & in-person) would be short presentations followed by a discussion. To mention a few themes: Climate warming; Impacts of Global change; Tundra and Peatland fires; Vegetation dynamics; Wildlife and microbiota dynamics (e.g., biodiversity changes and trends); Understating dynamics of past human-environmental interactions (e.g., resources availability and past arctic societies); Natural changes vs anthropogenic environmental changes; Traditional knowledge & ecosystems management, etc.

AGORA is open to short presentations that could encourage open discussions on how current and past knowledge could help us increase our understanding of current Arctic change to mitigate its effects in Arctic ecosystems and societies (i.e., increasing resilience).


Session Organizer: 

Sergi Pla-Rabes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



