30 March 2022 from 15:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Open Session
Session Abstract:
This event will focus on the NordForsk funded Nordic Centre of Excellence project ARCPATH that seeks to combine improved regional climate predictions with enhanced understanding of environmental, societal, and economic interactions in order to supply new knowledge on Arctic "pathways to action". All those interested in these topics are welcome to join.
Chair: Astrid Ogilvie
Astrid Ogilvie, SAI. Opening of Session. Remembering Yongqi Gao
Edson Silva, NERSC. Twenty-One Years of Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology in the Barents, Norwegian, and North Seas
Victoria Miles, NERSC. Warmer Cimate of the Urban Arctic
Bo Christiansen, DMI. On the Forced Response of the NAO
Shuting Yang, DMI. Enhancing the Capability for Assessing and Predicting Climate Change in the Arctic Region
Torben Koenigk, SMHI. Observation-Based Selection of Climate Models Projects Arctic Ice-Free Summers Around 2035
Questions/Discussion 5-10 mins
5 minute break
Chair: François Counillon
Astrid Ogilvie, SAI. Aspects of Icelandic Fisheries History: Fishing in Stormy Weather
Torben Koenigk, SMHI. North Atlantic Storms and Fisheries: An Icelandic Case Study
Catherine Chambers, University of Westfjords and SAI. Recorded talk. Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries
Questions/Discussion. 10 mins
Marianne Rasmussen, University of Iceland Research Centre in Húsavík (introduced by Astrid Ogilvie). Research on Blue Whales in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland.
François Counillon, Astrid Ogilvie and Kjetil Lygre (with input from all who wish to do so) Concluding Remarks.
Session Organizer:
Astrid Ogilvie