31 March 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Open Session
Room: 1.325 (Teorifagbygget Hus 1)
Session Abstract:
The workshop will discuss how guidelines, standards and best practices evolve in research, resource exploitation and management, shipping, tourism and community planning in the Arctic. The different levels of standards can be represented by the "standardization. continuum" which ranges from ethics, norms, informal agreements, conventions, guidelines, common practices, best practice, international standards, conventions, treaties, national and international law. The elements of the “standardisation continuum” evolve in the various Arctic activities policy goals such as sustainable economic development, safety of human activities, and improved understanding and conservation of the environment. The overall objective of the project is to establish a comprehensive framework for development, understanding and implementation of Arctic standards used by people who live and operate in the Arctic.
Session Organizer:
Stein Sandven
1400-1415 Introduction and presentation of the participants. S. Sandven, NERSC
1415-1530 Work on hazards, natural resources, and community-based observing.
- Alaska: Olivia Lee (UAF)
- Greenland: Martin R. Nielsen, (UC), and
- Russia: Martin Enghoff, Finn Danielsen (NORDECO).
10 min presentations and questions:
Guiding questions:
- Can coastal hazard observing by community members improve safety practice in Alaska?
- Can statistical models with local knowledge improve the practice of quota-setting in fisheries in Greenland?
- Can the practice of community-based monitoring contribute to protecting rights of Indigenous Peoples to utilization of natural resources in Russia?
- Can shared practices on coastal hazard observing support community needs for adaptation planning?
1530-1600: break
1600-1645 Work in Svalbard, with focus collaboration with cultural heritage research and collaboration with tourist operators and the local community members. Short presentations (6-8 min) by
- Lisbeth Iversen, NERSC: Introduction to CAPARDUS activities in Svalbard
- Vibeke Vandrup Martens, NIKU: CULTCOAST – cultural heritage research in Svalbard
- Troels Jacobsen, AECO: AECO activities in Svalbard
- Anatoly Sinitsyn, SINTEF: short presentation of Polar Climate and Cultural Heritage project
1645-1730 Arctic Practices System – Use and Benefits of Arctic Practices in Observing, Data Management and Applications. Presentation and discussion of a White paper by Jay Pearlman et al.,
1730-1750 Invited presentation from ICES (Jörn Schmidt)
1750-1800 Wrap-up