27 March 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Closed Session (By Inviation Only)
Room: 1.545 (Teorifagbygget Hus 1)
Session Abstract:
EU-PolarNet community planning meeting. EU-PolarNet is a Coordination and Support Action project funded by the European Commission to provide a platform for co-developing strategies to advance the European Polar Research action and support the establishment of a European Polar Research Area. EU-PolarNet represents a large consortium of European polar research expertise and infrastructures with 25 partners from all European Member States and Associated Countries which have well-established Polar Programmes. By involving all relevant stake- and rightholders, EU-PolarNet will support the development of transdisciplinary and transnational Polar research actions of high societal relevance. The project also works towards creating a permanent European Polar Coordination Office which will ensure that such an important platform is sustained.
Session Organizer:
Jon Børre Ørbæk