26 March 2022 from 14:45 - 15:30 (CEST / GMT+2)
Room: Auditorium 1 (Teorifagbygget hus 1)
Did you miss the lecture? Watch it here: Link to Google drive
The New Arctic Horizon: Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Research
Prof. Dalee Sambo Dorough (IASC Medal Recipient 2022)
The international community has recognized that Indigenous Knowledge "contributes to sustainable and equitable development and proper management of the environment" and as such the potential for respectful co-production of knowledge must be seized by those keen to reveal the best available information upon which the world community can act to safeguard Inuit Nunaat and the unique Arctic environment.
The IASC Medal 2022 was awarded to Professor Dalee Sambo Dorough, University of Alaska Anchorage and Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council, for outstanding achievements in advocacy for the rights of Indigenous peoples, her service to a wide range of arctic communities, including the Arctic Council, and her influence as a legal scholar. Read more.