28 March 2022 from 09:00 - 13:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Open Meeting - HYBRID
Room: 1.425
Session Abstract:
This meeting is an opportunity for Indigenous scholars, leadership, community members, and allies in Indigenous-led research and organizations to address priorities, opportunities, and challenges for Arctic observing in preparation for both the scientific conference and the Arctic Observing Summit. This discussion will include an attention to current Indigenous projects, programs, protocols, and resources relevant to Arctic observing. The IOM has occurred twice since its initial meeting at ASSW 2019, and points gathered and discussed at these previous meetings will serve as the foundation for this discussion. A short draft on the current state of Indigenous observing will be circulated before the meeting to the IOM mailing list, and a final meeting report will be made publicly available to ASSW organizers after conclusion of the conference.
Session Organizer:
Victoria Qutuuq Buschman