29 March 2022 from 14:00 - 15:30 (CEST / GMT+2)
Open Session
Room: 2.005 (ILP Lærerutdanning)
Session Abstract:
Cooperation across national and disciplinary boundaries has long been characteristic of the European polar research community, conducive of its global leadership in research in the Arctic and the Antarctic. In the EPB’s 26th year, and nearing the completion of its first Strategy (2017-2022), this session will showcase the EPB's achievements so far, and the impact it has had in the last 5 years. We will look at tools that have been developed, and networks that have been strengthened by the EPB.
During the second half of this session, the EPB will look ahead, and host an open discussion to identify current and future priorities for the EPB, and European Polar Research. Please join us in reflecting on the past five years, and looking ahead to the years to come.
Session Organizer:
Renuka Badhe