30 March 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
31 March 2022 from 09:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
1 April 2022 from 09:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Closed Session (By Invitation Only)
Room: 2.005 (ILP Lærerutdanning)
Session Abstract:
The role of aerosol-cloud interactions in Arctic climate responses needs to be a priority for the climate science community; these processes are one of the most important source of model uncertainty in historic and predicted Arctic energy budgets. Uncertainties in Arctic aerosol-cloud interactions significantly affect our ability to predict the progression of Arctic warming and estimate the sensitivity of the Arctic climate to further greenhouse gas emissions; therefore, we need a targeted effort as a community to improve our understanding of these processes and improve the skill of our models.
The goal of the second QuIESCENT Arctic workshop is to build on the success of our first event (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK in Apr 2019 - https://sites.google.com/view/quiescent-arctic), encouraging like-minded aerosol, cloud, boundary layer, meteorology, and climate scientists to continue the discussion on how we can move forward toward a better quantification and understanding of the indirect effect in the Arctic. Our first workshop identified the need to improve communication between the observing and modelling communities, and we aim to build on the momentum we established to coordinate international cooperation on this scientific area. Our second workshop aims to build on this cross-disciplinary bridge between aerosol and clouds, physicists and chemists, and observations and models, and scientists from all perspectives of this research question are encouraged to attend and contribute. We will continue to focus on the role of transported air pollution in Arctic aerosol-cloud interactions, as the climatic effects of increasing industrialisation within the Arctic circle and transport from the polluted mid-latitudes are not well understood; however, these processes must be considered against an understanding of the evolving natural baseline of the Arctic aerosol budget. These latter contributions to the discussion are encouraged through our continued engagement with the IGAC-affiliated CATCH (Cryosphere and ATmospheric CHemistry) initiative.
We will specifically look at ways we can improve collaboration between the different specialisms represented. Our first workshop gave us insight into what the key challenges are in the different science areas, but we need to progress these discussions to design a pathway forward to improve the Arctic indirect effect in models across spatial scales. To this end, we are again welcoming participants covering a wide range of expertise (ground-based, aircraft, satellite observations, and modelling) and are keen to build on the strong early career researcher contingent present at our first workshop. Members of recent Arctic measurement campaigns, e.g., NETCARE, (AC)3, Arctic Ocean 2018, and MOSAiC and partnering projects, are encouraged to attend and use our platform to share their exciting results and discuss their vision for the use of their findings in numerical models. Similarly, model specialists from key modelling centres are encouraged to attend as their input in these discussions is critical to the success of this mission; without engagement from modelling specialists -- from large-eddy simulation, through regional numerical weather prediction, to global climate scales -- we cannot improve the efficiency of the knowledge pipeline from observations through to models. As such, we encourage modellers with an interest in Arctic clouds and aerosols, such as those involved with the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) and MOSAiC consortiums, independent modellers, and contributors from key modelling centres, to attend and contribute their expertise.
We will also continue to foster ideas on novel approaches to understanding the Arctic indirect effect, including machine-learning and satellite remote sensing approaches to solving associated research questions. We envisage that new collaborations will be brokered between participants during the workshop, in addition to the broader goal of developing a tangible strategy for improving aerosol-cloud process understanding and, ultimately, climate model uncertainties.
Session Organizer:
Gillian Young