Arctic Cities: Measuring Urban Sustainability in Transition (MUST)

19 February 2023 | 14:00 - 18:00 (GMT+1): Closed Session / By Invitation Only - HYBRID
20 February 2023 | 18:15 - 21:00 (GMT+1): Open Session - HYBRID



  • Seminarraum 1 (on 19 February)
  • Erika Weinzierl Saal (on 20 February)


Session Conveners: Robert W. Orttung (The George Washington University, USA)


Session Description

Arctic cities face multiple challenges from social and economic transformations, deteriorating infrastructure, a changing environment, and pressures on their governance systems. Arctic communities and their leaders need sophisticated metrics to measure changes taking place in the natural world and reliable techniques to transform that data into effective design solutions for the built environment and guidance on how social systems can develop community assets to ensure necessary adaptability for future Arctic cities.

The MUST meeting's agenda includes a discussion of issues pertaining to urban sustainability with a special focus on metrics on Arctic conditions that provide data about changes in the natural environment, energy, and socio-cultural issues.
