The changing cryosphere: implications to Arctic biodiversity in terrestrial, coastal and marine socio-ecological systems

20 February 2023 | 14:00 - 18:00 (GMT+1)

Closed Session / By Invitation Only - HYBRID


Room: Hörsaal 16


Session Conveners: Kai Bischof (University of Bremen, Germany)


Session Description

This meeting will bring together scientists of the three EU Horizon 2020 projects CHARTER, ECOTIP and FACE-IT, all funded under the same call “The changing cryosphere: uncertainties, risks and opportunities: Changes in Arctic biodiversity”. The meeting will be used as a hub for knowledge exchange, drafting of overarching review papers and planning of joint outreach events and policy dialogue meetings. By these joint efforts the projects strive to maximise their impact, both scientifically and with respect to stakeholder and policy advice.
