23 March 2024 | 13:30 - 14:30 (UK)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: Holyrood (JMCC)
Organiser: Susana Hancock (Arctic Basecamp, Netherlands)
Event Description:
Given the enormity of the climate crisis, effective science communication is paramount. A failure to deliver messages in ways that are meaningful, impactful and engaging is a lost opportunity to mobilise real change.
One of Arctic Basecamp’s strengths as a science communications organisation is its ability to “break through the clutter” to communicate Arctic and global risks to new and/or otherwise disengaged audiences. What is Arctic Basecamp’s mode of communication and how has it come to be so successful? Although the team is known for its annual Arctic science camp at the World Economic Forum, it is moving beyond the CEOs to directly engaging with communities. While most people look at Arctic climate change as the result of changes (eg emissions) elsewhere in the world, we ask how these rapid changes in the north of our planet ricochet back to the rest of the world through, inter alia, extreme weather, food insecurity and migrations.
The team will share tools to use data to devise interactive tools that are personalised to communities, both in the Arctic and in climate vulnerable regions elsewhere in the world. As part of this, we will showcase the first two uses of VP Al Gore’s ClimateTRACE data, which we launched in 2023, linking Arctic sea ice loss to extractive industries around the world. This session will also highlight the use of narratives connecting Arctic change to global issues such as the SDGs and climate vulnerability, as well as games that brought Arctic science to more than one million people around the world during COP27.