Sharing the knowledge - Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme 2021-25

22 March 2024 | 13:30 - 15:30 (UK)

Open Session - HYBRID

Room:  Holyrood (JMCC)

Organisers:  Nicola Munro (NERC Arctic Office); Henry Burgess (NERC Arctic Office)


Event description:

This session will provide an opportunity for programme funders, researchers and others to hear directly from Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme (CINUK) project leaders on the progress of the CINUK programme; share good practice with those developing future international research programmes; and contribute to the evaluation process.  The session will include an overview of the programme where we will hear from CINUK partners and funders as well as updates from seven of the CINUK projects.


Draft Agenda:

  • 1330 – Welcome - Henry Burgess, NERC Arctic Office
  • 1335 – Showing of CINUK film
  • 1340 – Presentation from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Karen Kelley, ITK
  • 1350 – Funders Overview – Anne Barker, National Research Council Canada

Presentations from CINUK Projects:

  • 1400 – Beavers and Socio-ecological Resilience in Inuit Nunangat (BARIN) – Helen Wheeler, Anglia Ruskin University
  • 1410 – Inuksiutit: Food Sovereignty in Nunavut and the co-production of country food knowledge (IFSNu) – Nancy Wachowich, Aberdeen University
  • 1420 – Emerging zoonoses in wildlife: Understanding the ecology, transmission and impacts of Brucella and Erysipelothrix for conservation and food security in the changing Arctic (ArcticEID) – Eric Morgan, Queen’s University, Belfast
  • 1430 – Nuna: Effective mitigation and adaptation to changing ground conditions for resilient coastal futures (Nuna) –Louise Mercer, Northumbria University
  • 1440 – The Nunavut and Nunavik Search and Rescue Project (NSAR) – John Quigley/Ian Belton, University of Strathclyde
  • 1450 – Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit on Arctic Shipping Risks in Inuit Nunangat (IQP-ASR) – Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa
  • 1500 – Renewable Energy Microgrid Integration for Remote, Off-grid Cabins in Nunavut (REMIROCaN) – Cameron Johnstone, University of Strathclyde
  • 1510 – Panel Discussion: Anne Barker, NRC,  Lizzie Garratt, NERC, Karen Kelley, ITK, Janice Bailey, FRQ, Henry Burgess, NERC Arctic Office
  • 1530 – Close of session

Further details about CINUK can be found here:
