Workshop on US AON’s Benefit Tool: Connecting Observations to Impact

24 March 2024 | 09:00 - 12:30 (UK) 

Open Session (RSVP here) - ON SITE ONLY

Room: St Trinnean's (St Leonards)

Organiser: Hazel Shapiro (US Arctic Observing Network (US AON), USA, United States)


Event Description:

If you are interested in attending this session, please RSVP here: 

US AON’s Benefit Evaluation tool allows scientists and communities to illustrate the value of their work and identify critical gaps by systematically evaluating how observational systems, data products, and applications connect to societal benefit. US AON has developed an open-source, web-based tool that allows users to create their own evaluations for specific scientific domains, data products, and applications. 

In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of the Benefit Evaluation and be introduced to the online tool through a hands-on exercise. They can then work individually or as small teams to begin building their own Benefit Evaluation for a product or domain. 

This workshop is aimed at anyone who is interested in improving the Arctic research ecosystem – observers, data managers, people creating applications to serve end user needs, community managers, and policymakers/funders. 

Benefits of participation

  • Learn about US AON’s Benefit Evaluation tool.
  • Learn how to make your own Benefit Evaluation using the US AON online tool.
  • Understand and communicate the connection between observational systems and societal benefits
  • Identify and communicate critical gaps 
  • Connect with others who are interested in improving Arctic research 

What it is NOT

We don’t expect participants to finish an evaluation within this workshop - there will be options to follow up after to move your own analysis forward. 

It’s not a broad discussion to examine specific products, gaps, or needs. 

Is this workshop for me?

  • Do you have to consistently demonstrate the provenance and the usefulness of your work?
  • Are there critical gaps that impact your work? Anything from data latency issues to communication/capacity gaps to low observational coverage?
  • Are you a community member, program manager, or policymaker who needs to articulate the impact of observing gaps on research or decision-making?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then this workshop is for YOU!

About US AON

The US Arctic Observing Network builds bridges between federal agencies and non-federal and Indigenous partners to understand and improve scientific observations and observing platforms in the Arctic. For more information, visit

Logistical details

Please bring your own computer. This session will be in-person only, but if you are interested in a similar workshop virtually after ASSW, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
