26 March 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00 (MDT)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: UMC Third Floor - 382
Organisers: Fiona Danks (CAFF); Tom Christensen (CAFF); Tahzay Jones (USFWS)
Session Description:
The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) is an international network of professionals and organizations working to harmonize and integrate efforts to monitor Arctic biodiversity. It is the cornerstone program under the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council. The CBMP’s goal is to facilitate more rapid detection, communication, and responses to the significant biodiversity-related trends and pressures affecting the Arctic. The CBMP has produced State of the Arctic Biodiversity Reports and associated Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring for the marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. This session will review existing gaps in biodiversity monitoring and provide advice for monitoring and research needs to fill knowledge gaps. Information from the State of the Arctic Biodiversity Reports can be used to refine and adapt current and future biodiversity monitoring efforts in the Arctic and allows the CBMP to better meet the needs of decision makers. The State of the Arctic Biodiversity Reports build on the coordinated CBMP Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Plans and associated processes of data compilation, analysis, and scientific publications. The session will address: ecosystem-based monitoring and reporting; monitoring methods and standardisation, monitoring design and assessment; improved coordination; use of Indigenous Knowledge, Local Knowledge, and citizen science; and knowledge gaps. The CBMP works to leverage monitoring activities of networks and nations and establish linkages to global biodiversity initiatives. The CBMP emphasizes data management (through the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service), capacity building, reporting, coordination and integration of Arctic monitoring, and communications, education and outreach.