27 March 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00 (MDT)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: Glen Miller Ballroom in UMC - 210 / 2012
Organisers: April Melvin (U.S. Polar Research Board, USA); Martin Jeffries (U.S. Polar Research Board (Chair); USA)
Session Description:
For the 5th International Polar Year (IPY5, 2032-33) to be most effective, it is critical that research priorities that span both the Arctic and Antarctic are identified early and build upon ICARP IV and other related priority-setting activities for the polar regions. In addition, identifying research questions that are both shared and unique to the Arctic and the Antarctic will be vital for establishing the foundation for productive IPY5 partnerships and leveraging funding opportunities. This session will host a panel of Arctic and Antarctic researchers, including those involved in the International Arctic Science Committee and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, who will provide an update on IPY5 planning; identify early examples of shared research priorities; address strategies to ensure broad and diverse engagement; and discuss what is needed to strengthen bipolar research coordination and planning in the lead up to IPY5.