28 March 2025 | 08:30 - 10:00 (MDT)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: UMC Fourth Floor - 415 / 417
Organisers: Dirk Mengedoht (AWI, Germany); Hannele Savela (University of Oulu, Finland); Efrén Lopez-Blanco/Elmer Topp-Jørgensen (University of Aarhus, Denmark); Syndonia Bret-Harte (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA); Marin Kuizenga (Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA); Dariusz Ignatiuk (ICARP IV RP7 Co-chair; President of the Polish Polar Consortium and University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland)
Session Description:
Arctic science is essential to documenting and understanding climate and ecosystem changes and their implications for societies at local, regional, and global levels. When developing the ICARP IV research priorities for the next decade, it is crucial to ensure that the necessary infrastructures and logistical services are in place to achieve the scientific goals. This will help provide the knowledge needed to support sustainable development in a region already profoundly impacted by climate change.
This session will focus on the critical need to improve linkages between science organizations, infrastructure and logistics providers, and funders, to establish a circumarctic platform that facilitates access to key Arctic environments. By aligning these efforts, the aim is to enable representative sampling across the Arctic, in dept understanding of ecosystem interactions and support the scientific objectives set by ICARP IV, the Arctic Council working groups, and other scientific networks.
The session will feature presentations that explore current science-infrastructure linkages, followed by a panel discussion addressing challenges and opportunities in aligning science and infrastructure services to meet research demands. The discussion will also touch on the future of Arctic research infrastructure and the importance of international collaboration.
Purpose of the session and overview
Speaker: Dirk Mengedoht (FARO Chair)
Infrastructure and Logistical Services
FARO's Role in Arctic Research Infrastructure
An international umbrella organization for countries operating research infrastructures in the Arctic.
Speaker: Dirk Mengedoht (FARO Chair), AWI
INPA and POLARIN - Offering Access to Arctic and Polar Research Infrastructures. Access opportunities and the role of Transnational Access programs.
Speaker: Hannele Savela (Transnational Access Coordinator), University of Oulu, Finland.
INTERACT: Representativeness of Terrestrial Research Stations
Insights from the INTERACT Station Managers’ Forum on how well research station represent change at an arctic scale.
Speaker: Elmer Topp-Jørgensen
Science Support
ICARP IV Research Priority Team 2: Observing, Reconstructing, and Predicting Future Climate Dynamics
Overview of science priorities for climate dynamics and ecosystem response research and potential linkages to infrastructure.
Speaker: Syndonia Bret-Harte (RP2 Co-chair), University of Alaska Fairbanks.
ICARP IV Research Priority Team 7: Collaborative Efforts on Research Infrastructure.
The role of infrastructure in facilitating implementation of ICARP IV science priorities (Research Priority Teams 1-6).
Speakers: Marin Kuizenga (RP7 Co-chair) Alaska, Institute of Arctic Biology. Dariusz Ignatiuk (RP7 Co-chair), President of the Polish Polar Consortium and University of Silesia in Katowice.
Panel Discussion
The session will conclude with a panel discussion featuring all presenters, including Gerlis Fugmann from IASC and Nicole Biebow from POLARIN (AWI). The discussion will foster an open dialogue on the future of arctic science support infrastructure and the path forward for international collaboration.