23 March 2025 | 08:30 - 18:00 (MST)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: Glen Miller Ballroom in UMC - 208
Organiser: Pacific Arctic DBO: Jacqueline Grebmeier (UMCES); Siberian DBO: Igor Polyakov and Laura Whitmore (IARC/UAF), Eun Jin Yang (KOPRI); Atlantic Arctic DBO: Arild Sundfjord, Marit Reigstad and Anna Nikolopoulos* (NPI); Baffin Bay/Davis Strait DBO: Craig Lee (APL/UW), Kumiko Azetsu-Scott (DFO)
* Main contact person for meeting logistics
Event Description:
The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) is developed to document ecosystem responses to ongoing environmental changes observed in the Arctic, by providing a framework for standard sampling of physical, chemical and biological measurements over time. The concept has recently expanded into a pan-Arctic DBO network, with sites identified in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Canadian Arctic, and the Siberian seas. This international initiative builds on the active involvement of scientists in long-term, multi-disciplinary, regional efforts with the goal to improve our understanding of the processes impacting the coupled marine ecosystem in times of rapid change.
The ASSW provides the arena for the annual exchange of scientific results and organizational matters of the pan-Arctic DBOs, both as regional entities and in a joint pan-Arctic sense. We invite you to a full-day workshop for presentations of the scientific activities undertaken in 2024, identifying the most prominent recent results in each sector. We also make room for general discussions on common priorities and opportunities for our future in situ sampling activities and data assessments, and how to connect these to other parallel observing programs and organizational processes.