22 March 2025 | 09:00 - 18:00 (MST)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: Glen Miller Ballroom in UMC - 212
Organiser: Catherine Lalande (Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), Republic of Korea)
Event Description:
The Pacific Arctic Group (PAG) is a group of institutes and individuals having a Pacific perspective on Arctic science. Originally organized under the International Arctic Science Committee, the now independent PAG has as its mission to serve as a Pacific Arctic regional partnership to plan, coordinate, and collaborate on science activities of mutual interest. The Spring PAG meeting is held during “Arctic Science Summit Week” and is focused on “business” issues and an update on research plans for the coming field season.
The Fall PAG meeting is hosted at various locations in alternating PAG countries after the field season and is focused on review of accomplishments during the previous summer and outlooks for the future. Further information is available at the PAG website http://pag.arcticportal.org/ .