24 March 2025 | 08:00 - 10:00 (MST)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: UMC Third Floor - 384
Organiser: Elaina Ford (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
Event Description:
The EU is a major contributor to Polar research that seeks to better understand the challenges the high North is facing in a rapidly changing environment. As part of this contribution, the EU established the EU Arctic Cluster, and was renamed the EU Polar Cluster with addition of Antarctic Projects in 2019. The Cluster is a growing network of EU-funded Polar research projects and organisations. Its work highlights excellent examples for improved cooperation and synergistic work of EU projects. The Cluster merges a broad spectrum of research and coordination activities and contributes with European-generated knowledge to both regional and global decision making. The aim of this event is to provide an opportunity for the EU Polar Clusters to network and exchange information between the participating projects. In addition, there will be a moderated panel discussion on current topics in European polar research. The presentation of important cluster activities and objectives and the panel discussion will help the projects to find synergies and potentials for cooperation. In addition, strategic consultation on future research needs and research funding will be part of the meeting. The meeting is aimed at members of the EU Polar Cluster projects in particular, but external participants interested in European polar research are also welcome.