30 March 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Open Session
Room: Auditorium 2 (Teorifagbygget Hus 1)
Session Abstract:
The workshop will mobilise the Norwegian Polar Research Community to more actively participate in shaping polar research priorities and participation in Horizon Europe. The need for more active national networking and information exchange within Norwegian polar research will be discussed and how national programs can strengthen the participation and competitiveness in Horizon Europe. Important topics will be Norwegian contribution to EU-PolarNet2, new opportunities in Horizon Europe work programs, results and activities in the EU mobilization project, recommendations in the Norwegian polar research evaluation and follow-up plan, as well as opportunities for Norwegian polar research networking. The event is co-organised by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC).
The agenda will include presentations from RCN on opportunities for Norwegian polar research under Horizon Europe, how we organize the Norwegian input to the work programs, presentation of the EU mobilization project coordinated by NERSC, the Norwegian contribution to EU-PolarNet, as well as panel discussions on science topics and the needs for national coordination and networking.
Detailed agenda with information on participation and registration is available at the RCN website here: Sesjon om polarforskning i Horisont Europa (pameldingssystem.no)
Session Organizers:
Jon Børre Ørbæk
Lasse H. Pettersson