31 March 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 (CEST / GMT+2)
Open Session
Room: 1.323 (Teorifagbygget Hus 1)
Session Abstract:
The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) is an ongoing international program conducting a multi-nation, oceanographic field based effort on a Pan Arctic Scale over ~two years during a single season (late summer) to achieve the baseline understanding of the fundamental structure and function of the linked carbon-ecosystem-physical systems that will permit detection of ongoing and future changes. The COVID pandemic delayed the start of many planned field programs; however, several efforts were able to occur in summer 2021 and others are planned for summer 2022. This town hall will provide an update on the progress of the international program and on plans for new contributions to the SAS program, including potential collaborative opportunities.
Session Organizer:
Carin J Ashjian
1. Introduction to workshop: Carin Ashjian/WHOI, USA
2. International SAS Office Overview: Øyvind Paasche/UiB, Norway, SAS Project Office
3. Overview of SAS projects: Topics - Science accomplished in 2021 and plans for 2022 (10 minutes each); also how to access SAS data for comparative purposes (see topics section of agenda)
- Agneta Fransson–Update on SAS Nansen Legacy activities/Norway (2021)-in person
- Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm–Update on 2021 Oden cruise/Sweden (2021)-online
- Heidiemarie Kassens–Update on German/Russian/Swiss cruise “ArcticCentury” (2021)-in person
- Are Olsen–Update on 2022 SAS cruise, Norway (2022)-in person
- Shigeto Nishino–Results from SAS collaborative cruises in 2020 and topics on the R/V Mirai cruises in 2021/2022–online
- Mary-Louise Timmermans (2021-2022)–Update on the Canadian JOIS / US AON/BGEO activities and SAS (2021/2022)-online
- Kyoung-Ho Cho–Korea's contribution to SAS: Araon 2020 and 2021 cruises-online
- Lise Lotte Sørensen or Karen Edelvang/Denmark–Update on SAS activities-online
- Carin Ashjian, Jackie Grebmeier (US SAS) –Update on the 2022 US SAS cruise
- Maurizio Azzaro–The Italian contribution to SAS: the CASSANDRA project (Greenland Sea Gyre; 75 ° N transect)-online
- ARICE: online survey presentation- Mats Granskog, Norwegian Polar Institute
1530-1600: Coffee break
1600: Continue country reports SAS cruises/results
1630: Topics
- Spatial and temporal overlap of cruises, synergies for 2022
- Overlap of measurements from all cruises
- Shared data plan; where are the data? e.g., T, S, other data (now and future)
- Opportunities for additional SAS science activities on SAS 2022 cruises
1730: Future plans
- 2023 workshop
1900: Dinner for attendees