ASSW 2025 – Second Circular: Contributing to and Preparing for ASSW 2025 in Boulder, Colorado (USA)


Preparations are well underway for Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2025, which will be held in Boulder, Colorado (USA) from 20–28 March 2025.

The theme of ASSW 2025 is “Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade” as it will include the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) Summit, providing a unique opportunity for participants to contribute toward planning the next decade of Arctic research. The ICARP IV Summit will engage Arctic researchers, Indigenous Peoples, policymakers, and other interested parties from around the world, serving as a crucial milestone for shaping the Fifth International Polar Year in 2032–33.

This Second Circular contains:

Important Dates:

  • 30 September 2024: 
    • Deadline to submit abstracts to the ICARP IV Summit (more information below)
    • Deadline to submit proposals for ASSW Business and Community Meetings (more information below)
  • November 2024:
    • Accepted abstracts and side meetings notified
    • Registration opens and draft program released

For more information:


Preliminary ASSW 2025 Agenda-at-a-Glance

The preliminary ASSW 2025 Agenda-at-a Glance is available below. The ASSW Business and Community Meetings will be held during 20–24 March and the ICARP IV Summit will take place during 25–28 March. 

ASSW2025 Preliminary Agenda at a Glance

This preliminary agenda-at-a-glance is provided for general awareness and is subject to change as ASSW 2025 planning progresses. 


ICARP IV Summit - Call for Abstracts

ASSW 2025 organizers are now accepting abstracts for the ICARP IV Summit, which will take place during 25–28 March 2025, immediately following the ASSW 2025 business and community meetings (20–24 March 2025).

60 sessions are available for abstract submissions. Additional conference sessions, which will host panels, town halls, and other engaging formats, have also been accepted into the program. Collectively, the sessions within the ICARP IV Summit will address the following areas:

  • Research topics that align with one or more of the seven existing ICARP IV Research Priority Team Areas.
  • Research topics that are critical for Arctic research planning to consider, but are broader than or not included within any of the seven existing ICARP IV Research Priority Team Areas. For example, topics here may include emerging Arctic threats, new areas in social science, Arctic economies, etc.
  • Matters that are important to Arctic research planning and implementation. For example, topics here may include science policy, research evaluation, research ethics, scenario planning, international funding and coordination mechanisms, etc.

Abstract submissions are invited through 30 September 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be made at the latest by November 2024. Please direct questions regarding the ICARP IV Call for Abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please visit the ICARP IV Abstract Submission System by clicking on the "Submit Your Abstract here" button below for the full list of available sessions, submission guidelines, and instructions on how to submit your abstract.




Call for ASSW 2025 Business and Community Meetings

ASSW 2025 will dedicate five main days to IASC & Arctic business and science community meetings and workshops (2024 March), but if necessary, workshops can also take place parallel to the ICARP IV Summit (25–28 March).

The entire Arctic community is encouraged to use ASSW 2025 as a venue for bringing together their organizations, collaborations, and teams. ASSW 2025 organizers will provide the logistical support and your meeting attendees only have to register for ASSW 2025 and show up. ASSW 2025 will be organized as a hybrid conference, offering opportunities for on-site only, hybrid, and online meeting formats.

The application deadline is 30 September 2024.  Please direct questions regarding the ASSW 2025 Business and Community Meetings to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



ASSW 2025 Hotels Now Available

Several hotel options are now available for early bookings. The ASSW 2025 Accommodations page lists several hotels that are offering reduced conference rates as well as various other hotels to consider in the Boulder area. This page offers some practical information as you select your lodging for the meeting. Additional practical information on visiting Boulder will be made available in the coming weeks.



Requesting a Visa Invitation Letter

Participants who need a visa invitation letter may now request one by filling out the visa invitation letter request form. Prior to requesting a letter, participants are encouraged to check on visa information, visa appointment wait times, and visa restrictions on the U.S. State Department website. Additionally, participants in need of a visa are encouraged to schedule a visa interview as soon as possible. 

