26 March 2025 | 13:30 - 15:30 (MDT)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: UMC Third Floor - 384
Organisers: Hanne Sagen (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center); Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller (Institute of Oceanology PAS); Sascha Schiøtt (Greenland Institute of Natural Resources)
Session Description:
Today there is severe lack of in situ observations of the oceans in the Arctic and Antarctic, and thereby we have limited knowledge about the physical, biogeochemical, and ecological processes and trends. In situ observations are needed for improving ocean-sea ice models and analysis used in ocean climate, monitoring and forecasting services. These services will be increasingly important as ship traffic, tourism and other marine/maritime industries develop in polar regions.
A large amount of observations is collected by scientists and engineers during field campaigns with ice-going vessels and aircraft using a wide range of instruments. During such experiments, instruments are operated under human supervision, which reduces the risk of failure and potential loss of data. To sustain a long-term and year-round observational infrastructure in the Arctic, robust observational platforms equipped with autonomous sensors are required to collect high-quality data at the sea floor, in the ocean column, sea ice, and atmosphere.
The session will invite presentations on operation and integration of observing systems in polar regions, focusing on ice-based observatories with subsurface instruments, floats drifting under the ice, bottom-anchored ocean moorings, seafloor observatories, AUVs, ROVs and cabled-based systems. The session will explore the use of in situ observations in new research related to sea ice, physical oceanography, marine ecosystems, and geohazards and using innovative digital methods for integrative analysis. Synergies between subsea industry and research communities to improve the observing systems will be discussed and plans for IPY 2033-34 will be outlined. The session will address environmental impact and ethical aspects of research in the Arctic.
Instructions for Speakers: Oral presentations in this session should be at most 8-minutes in length, with an additional 2-3 minutes for questions (unless more detailed instructions are provided by session conveners). See more detailed presenter instructions here.
Oral Presentations:
unfold_moreSustaining Arctic Atmospheric Observations - or – How to sustain what is not there to begin with? — Michael Tjernström
Michael Tjernström 1
1 Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, Stockholm UniversityFormat: Oral in-person
Understanding Arctic climate change and Arctic amplification, as well as Arctic weather prediction, fundamentally rests on observations, but in the central Arctic there are almost no conventional atmospheric observations, especially of the atmospheric vertical structure. Consequentially, climate monitoring for central Arctic today rests almost entirely on satellite observations assimilated into models; so-called reanalysis.
While having excellent spatial coverage and providing useful information on the sea-ice cover, satellites observations by them self does not have the accuracy and resolution to adequately represent the atmosphere. At the same time there is little hope for an accurate and sustainable central Arctic atmospheric measurement system because of logistics challenges; these observations only happen during shipborne Arctic research expeditions.
Therefore, much of the representation of the processes behind Arctic amplification rest on models and the data-assimilation process. Evaluations show current models are inadequate at representing Arctic-relevant processes. As a result, model-derived climate monitoring and climate models disagree on trends and it is impossible know which is more accurate. It is also well established that Arctic weather forecasting is inferior to that at mid-latitudes.
We suggest a sustainable Arctic observing system for the atmosphere based on improved models and improved data assimilation resting on satellite-dominated profiling, aided by frequent high-quality research expedition data. This requires a concerted effort shared between satellite and weather-forecasting communities, together with operators of shipborne scientific Arctic expeditions. It needs collaboration across traditional boundaries, climate and weather modeling joining forces, and upkeep of frequent atmospheric measurements on research expeditions.
unfold_moreEnvironmental Impacts of High Arctic Ocean Observation Systems – Changing Arctic, Changing Assessments? — Philippe Blondel
Philippe Blondel 1; Kathleen Vigness-Raposa 2; Matthew Dzieciuch 3; Hanne Sagen 4
1 University of Bath; 2 INSPIRE Environmental; 3 Scripps Institution of Oceanography; 4 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC)Format: Oral virtual
Innovations in technologies and their applications to polar environments have enabled the deployment of long-term observation systems, gathering large amounts of data for a year or more and providing crucial measurements of climate change in the High Arctic Ocean. Environmental Impact Assessments are essential to their design and their deployment. But the Arctic changes fast, oceanographically, glaciologically (with less summer ice and less multi-year ice), biologically (with marine species moving poleward or becoming more vulnerable or endangered) and strategically (as the areas of operation might straddle international and national waters). This presentation will illustrate the challenges to perform environmental impact assessments of two field campaigns: CAATEX (Coordinated Acoustic Thermometry Experiment, 2019-2020) and HiAOOS (High-Arctic Ocean Observing Systems 2024-2027). During both campaigns, multi-purpose mooring networks with very-low-frequency acoustic sources for ocean thermometry were deployed. Each deployment and recovery of the mooring network were carried out by use of ice breakers. The different potential impacts of each activity are systematically assessed in line with the latest guidelines and recommendations, in particular those of the European Polar Board. The assessments were carried out using what is known of the local environment and marine life (observations, databases and literature reviews). Special attention was made to marine mammals and other animals on the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Mitigation approaches are discussed along with recommendations for future observation efforts in the Arctic regions using different observing platforms including icebreakers and autonomous systems.
unfold_moreArctic PASSION - Collaborating towards a better coordinated and integrated, more useful and more equitable Arctic Observing System — Michael Karcher
Michael Karcher 1; Arild Sundfjord 2; Jeremy Wilkinson 3
1 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany; 2 NPI; 3 BASFormat: Oral in-person
The manifold challenges associated with the changing Arctic raise the need for a functional and integrated environmental observing system. The EU-funded Arctic PASSION project contributes to the creation of such a system in international collaboration, including Indigenous peoples and local communities.
We aim at an observing system that is better tuned to the needs of society, enables monitoring environmental changes, reducing uncertainty in predictions, and supporting decision-making at local and international levels. We contribute to improved access to unrestricted, high quality, science-based Earth observation information as well as consented Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and Local Knowledge (LK).
Arctic PASSION foci are the enhancement and integration of Arctic observations, improvement of Arctic data management, optimization of observing networks through numerical modelling, delivering eight Pilot Services to address user needs, and to assess societal and economic benefits of the new observing system. Emphasis is put also on enhancing international collaboration and clustering with other projects and initiatives working in the Arctic, supporting policy and decision making, and to link Arctic observations and society.
We will present the status of work of Arctic PASSION highlighting our observational activities, the progress made on the data system, examples from our eight new services, such as an Indigenous-led event database, and the services on permafrost change and air-pollution forecasts. We will also discuss ways forward based on discussions with our international partners.
unfold_moreImplementing OneArgo: Contributing to the Arctic observing system with profiling Argo Floats — Birgit Klein
Birgit Klein 1; Nicolas Kolodziejczyk 2; Esmee Van Wijk 3; Matthew B. Alkire 4; Mathieu Ardyna 5; Reisna R. Audh 6; Agnieszka Beszczynsk-Möller 7; Romain Cancouet 8; Pascale Castagno 9; et al.
1 BSH; 2 University of Western Brittany; 3 University of Brest, CSRIO; 4 University of Washington; 5 Takuvik, Univ. Laval; 6 NRF SEAON; 7 IOPAN; 8 Euro-Argo ERIC; 9 UNIMEFormat: Oral in-person
Improving knowledge about the physical, biogeochemical, and ecological processes and trends in the fast-changing Arctic Ocean is severely hampered by the lack of long-term, year-round in-situ observations in the ocean. Autonomous, ice-capable Argo floats provide valuable year-round data to help fill observational gaps in the polar latitudes.
Argo has increased its deployments in both polar regions (beyond 60°) in recent years, working towards the implementation of OneArgo, a global and multidisciplinary observational array. Since 2000, 391 floats have been deployed in the Arctic north of 60°N, 19 of which are active. The Polar Argo Mission Team supports this geographical extension by improving coordination in the implementation of the polar Argo arrays and through sharing technical and scientific knowledge. The Polar Argo Mission Team is developing best practice guidance for deployments and mission configurations, evaluating ice avoidance strategies, and evaluating algorithms to optimize the interpolation of under-ice positions.
While operating in open waters, floats transmit each profile in real-time to the Argo Data Centers, including the surface GPS position. Floats seasonally operate under ice and store profiles until the next opportunity for satellite communication at the surface. The trajectories under ice can be extensive, and missing positions need to be estimated in post-processing to make them science-ready. Different methods for estimating missing under-ice positions were tested and offer suggestions for improvement. Other approaches being tested to determine Argo under ice positions, such as the use of deployed sound source infrastructure coupled with hydrophones on the floats, are also presented.
unfold_moreLarge scale Multipurpose Ocean Observation System installed in the Central Arctic — Hanne Sagen
Hanne Sagen 1; Matthew Dzieciuch 2; Espen Storheim 3; Astrid Stallemo 4; Agnieszka Beszczynska-Møller 5; Jim Ryder 6; Stein Sandven 7; Arild Sundfjord 8; John Kemp 9; et al.
1 NERSC; 2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography; 3 NERSC; 4 NERSC; 5 IOPAN; 6 WHOI; 7 NERSC; 8 NPI; 9 WHOIFormat: Oral in-person
The EU project High Arctic Ocean Observation System (HiAOOS) and the ONR project High Arctic Acoustic Thermometry and Soundscape (HiAATS) have successfully installed a large-scale mooring network in the Nansen and Amundsen Basin. The moorings were deployed from the Norwegian Coast Guard icebreaker KV Svalbard in August/September 2024. This is the first research infrastructure of its kind in the central Arctic and will provide unique new data from a region which is poorly explored. The system is comprised of four moorings and will operate until 2026. The distance between moorings varies from 400 km to 1000 km. Each mooring is anchored at the bottom and kept vertical with floatation installed on top of the 4-kilometre-long mooring wire. Forty oceanographic and acoustic instruments are mounted along the wire for temperature, salinity, pressure, currents, sea ice drift and draft, and ocean sound measurements. Three of the moorings are equipped with low frequency acoustic sources, while all the moorings are equipped with long vertical hydrophone arrays. This system will provide data for acoustic themometry, passive acoustics and geo-positioning of floats. Results and data from the previous Coordinated Arctic Acoustic Thermometry Experiment (CAATEX) will also be used for development of methods and tools for analysing oceanographic data, and acoustic data for acoustic themometry, underwater geopositioing, detection of earthquakes, marine mammals. In this presentation we will describe the systems including methods and tools to exploit the data. The system will contribute to new knowledge about ocean climate and environment in the central Arctic Ocean.
unfold_moreEnhancing Ship Operations, Ice Modeling, and Community Engagement for Safe and Sustainable Maritime Practices in U.S. Arctic Waters — Ersegun Deniz Gedikli
Ersegun Deniz Gedikli 1; Grant Peel 1; Jonas Behnen 1; Virginia Groeschel 2; Ozgur Demir 1; Oceana Francis 3
1 Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa; 2 Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Alaska District; 3 Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, University of Hawaii at ManoaFormat: Oral in-person
Increasing ship activities in U.S. Arctic waters, particularly in Alaska, where local communities depend on fishing and maritime resources, necessitates the development of a comprehensive risk assessment framework to evaluate the hazards posed by changing ice conditions. Ice-wave and ice-structure interactions are critical to understanding how climate change will alter these dynamics and impact the broader ecosystem. This research employs novel materials that replicate complex ice behavior, enabling simulations of ice-wave-structure interactions under various environmental scenarios. Scalable parametric studies are conducted to identify the key factors influencing these interactions, providing essential insights for assessing risks to ship operations and the sustainability of fishing and other maritime activities. The framework incorporates statistical data on ship activities, ice-ship interactions, and advanced numerical modeling to offer a detailed assessment of how increased maritime traffic in Arctic waters may affect the safety and livelihoods of local communities. Initial results from a stakeholder questionnaire will be presented, aimed at gathering local insights and ensuring that community concerns and preferences are directly integrated into the risk assessment framework. Collaboration with Indigenous and local stakeholders ensures that the solutions developed are socially responsible, culturally relevant, and address both technical and community needs. This multidisciplinary approach, combining scientific innovation with local knowledge, establishes a robust foundation for mitigating the risks associated with increased ship activities while promoting sustainable and safe maritime practices in the Arctic.
unfold_moreEnhancements to the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) Sustained Arctic Observing Network (SAON) — Ignatius Rigor
Ignatius Rigor 1
1 Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, WashingtonFormat: Oral in-person
The Participants of the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) have maintained the fundamental sensors of the Sustained Arctic Observing Network (SAON) since 1979, providing one of the longest, continuous records of sea ice and ocean circulation, surface meteorology and oceanography in the Arctic Ocean.
With the retreat of Arctic sea ice during recent decades, the IABP has developed new buoys capable of surviving in the increasing area and more dynamic seasonal ice zone and has adapted its deployment strategies to answer the emerging questions of a new Arctic. For example, with increasing navigation in the Arctic icebergs and ice islands pose a threat to safety. Can we detect these icebergs, monitor and predict their drift? In response, the IABP has begun tagging icebergs and ice islands around the Arctic and its peripheral seas. Most of what we know about the drift of icebergs is based on observations from the Southern Ocean where the prevailing winds and ocean currents tend to force icebergs in the same direction. In many areas of the Arctic, the winds and ocean currents may force icebergs in different directions. How do Arctic icebergs respond to these forcings?
In this presentation we will review our efforts to tag ice islands in the Arctic. We will also present preliminary results on the force balance of winds and ocean currents on icebergs and ice islands. Answering these questions is critical for improving our ability to predict the drift of icebergs, thus increasing safety at sea.
unfold_moreSupporting a Greenland Ocean Atlas: A Greenland Ice Sheet Ocean (GRISO) Science Network data synthesis and standardization project — Aurora Roth
Aurora Roth 1; Fiamma Straneo 2; James Holte 2; Twila Moon 3; An Nguyen 4; Donald Slater 5; David Sutherland 6; Weiyang Bao 1
1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego; 2 Harvard University; 3 National Snow and Ice Data Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder; 4 University of Texas at Austin; 5 University of Edinburgh; 6 University of OregonFormat: Oral in-person
GRISO, currently an NSF AccelNet funded project, seeks to bolster progress on key questions centered on Greenland’s coastal margins as an international, interdisciplinary, and open network of researchers. Our priority areas are 1) improve collaboration amongst the disciplinary, national, and institutional communities studying and modeling Greenland’s coastal systems 2) develop Greenland-wide oceanic, atmospheric, and glaciological data syntheses and tools that foster interdisciplinary research and can serve community needs. While the last decade has seen a significant increase in observations collected around Greenland, a challenge has been that data are mostly collected by individual research groups and singularly-funded projects, leading to disparate datasets with varying characteristics and availability. GRISO is addressing this by working toward a Greenland Ocean Atlas that applies the FAIR data principles to previously collected ocean observations. This work requires international partnerships facilitated by GRISO, with ongoing work to increase collaboration with Greenland-based researchers and early career researchers.
Initial work toward a Greenland Ocean Atlas focuses on regional efforts in several Greenland fjord systems - Upernavik, Sermilik/Helheim (Tasiilaq), and Inglefield (Qaanaaq). In addition to providing newly synthesized datasets, GRISO aims to collaborate with existing efforts already making standardized ocean data available (e.g. GEM MarineBasis, Ocean InfoHub, and others). This data management effort is designed to serve multiple users - researchers, Greenland government officials, and local people. It will provide groundwork for an integrated Greenland Ice Sheet Ocean Observing System (GrIOOS), and be a foundational tool for oceanographic data collection and management for the next International Polar Year.
unfold_moreMonitoring the Pacific Arctic Coastal Climate Signal by Coordinating Multi-Platform Ecosystem Studies — Jacqueline Grebmeier
Jacqueline Grebmeier 1; Lee Cooper 2; Seth Danielson 3; Karen Frey 4; Katrin Iken 5; Sue Moore 6; Calvin Mordy 7; Franz Mueter 8; Phyllis Stabeno 9
1 University of Maryland Center for Environmnetal Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Maryland; 2 University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; 3 University of Alaska Fairbanks; 4 Clark University; 5 University of Alaska Fairbanks; 6 University of Washington; 7 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; 8 University of Alaska Fairbanks; 9 National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationFormat: Oral in-person
Documenting the state of the Arctic coastal marine ecosystems is key to assessing biodiversity and ecosystem function, and to evaluate the status of ecosystem services (e.g., fisheries, subsistence resources, and associated food security). Time-series data improve assessments of change relative to baselines and facilitate planning, modeling, mitigation and adaptation to future conditions. Clear manifestations of changing climate include reduced sea ice coverage, warming and freshening seawater, increasing coastal erosion, and sea level rise. The state of the physical environment is well tracked and modeled, but we still lack a good understanding of how changing climate will reorganize biogeochemical cycling, ecosystem structure, and ultimately impact high latitude human communities. Existing models lack sufficient field data for robust validation and parameterization. Shipboard sample and data collections, highly instrumented moorings, gliders, and satellite observations remain key components of an integrated marine observing system. In the Pacific Arctic, the Distributed Biological Observatory, the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network, the Chukchi Ecosystem Observatory, and NOAA’s Ecosystems & Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations have worked collaboratively to provide essential ecosystem observations by carrying out multiple research cruises each year, along with autonomous sampling and satellite observations. This presentation will provide a case study of how to combine varied efforts to achieve a greater sum than the parts outcome by highlighting key observing findings that could only be achieved by a synergistic effort. We will also discuss benefits derived from standardization of equipment, data handling and sharing in support of sustained long-term observations in the Pacific Arctic.
unfold_moreExploring the Bowhead Whale Feeding Hotspot Near Point Barrow, AK — Carin J Ashjian
Carin Ashjian 1
1 Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionFormat: Oral in-person
Point Barrow, AK is recognized as a location where bowhead whales congregate and thus are easily available for hunting as subsistence food by the Iñupiat community. My colleagues and I sought to understand why bowhead whales reliably congregated there in fall. We focused on identifying if this is a prey hotspot for bowhead whales, the formation mechanisms for that prey hotspot, how interannual variability and climate change might impact its formation, and the interannual variability in ocean conditions, including prey availability. Our research, conducted from 2005-2015 and 2021-2024, was supported by multiple funding sources and was done in collaboration with many scientists, local Utqiaġvik AK community members, and the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management. Our work included moored instrumentation (hydrography, currents, fluorescence, backscatter, passive acoustic recordings), boat-based surveys (hydrography, micro-, phyto-, and zoo- plankton, marine mammal, and bird observations), biological-physical modeling, marine mammal distributions including from local community boats and aerial surveys, harvested bowhead whale gut contents, and interviews of local whale hunters. Together, these multiple, perhaps seemingly disparate, sources of data have yielded a greater understanding of why this region has been a good place to find bowhead whales for subsistence for the Iñupiat communities for generations and provided some insights into the drivers of interannual variability in the availability of this resource and into the ocean conditions near Pt. Barrow. This effort demonstrates the value of multiple sampling approaches, of integration of local expertise into understanding, and of sustained observing at a single, critical location.
Poster Presentations (during Poster Exhibit and Session on Wednesday 26 March):
unfold_moreArgo-Poland floats under the Arctic ice — Waldemar Walczowski
Waldemar Walczowski 1; Małgorzata Merchel 1; Piotr Wieczorek 1
1 Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of SciencesFormat: Poster in-person
Poster number: #199
Argo floats have revolutionized global oceanography. However, their use in the Arctic is challenging due to the risk of losing them under the ice. Since 2009, the Argo-Poland consortium has deployed 29 floats in the Arctic. Each year, floats are launched along the 75°N parallel, with one placed in the eastern branch of the West Spitsbergen Current and the other in its western branch. The eastern float typically crosses the Fram Strait and drifts under the ice. Nevertheless, floats that enter the Arctic Ocean are not always lost. Data collected by floats during their under-ice profiling is often received later. Floats submerged under the ice in the fall resurface the following summer. The float WMO3902112, deployed in 2020, survived for four years and operated in the Laptev Sea in autumn 2024.
Due to the lack of satellite positioning under the ice, the float’s trajectory is interpolated during preliminary data processing. Argo-Poland estimates float positions using bathymetric data. Once the floats pass the Fram Strait, they drift along the continental slope, where profile depths rarely exceed 2000 meters, facilitating location estimates.
The collected data is invaluable. The profiles provide crucial insights into changes in the Atlantic Water column as it moves eastward. The heat content of the water column is particularly significant, as its exchange with surrounding water masses influences Arctic sea ice melt. These data are compared with measurements from moorings and vessels. Thus, Argo is becoming an important component of the Integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System.
unfold_moreSensing opportunities along the route of Polar Connect - submarine cable systems as part of an Integrated Arctic Observing System — Julia Muchowski
Julia Muchowski 1; Benoît Pirenne 2; Magnus Friberg 3; Leva Muraskiene 4; Lisa Olsson 5; Erik-Jan Bos 6
1 Swedish Polar Research Secretariat; 2 Ocean Networks Canada; 3 Swedish Research Council, SUNET; 4 NORDUnet; 5 Swedish Research Council, SUNET; 6 NORDUnetFormat: Poster in-person
Poster number: #430
The goal of Polar Connect is to build a submarine communication cable system between Northern Europe and East Asia, equipped with environmental sensing technology. This will enable novel Arctic Research Infrastructure and provide access to unprecedented data from the deep Ocean. As part of the European Union's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Digital) co-funded project ‘North Pole Fiber’, we have been investigating opportunities for scientific data collection along the route of Polar Connect.
Here, we will present how Polar Connect can contribute to an integrated Arctic Ocean observation system. Possibilities for using Polar Connect as a year-round seafloor observatory, providing high-quality data on geohazards, marine life, and physical oceanography will be highlighted. Furthermore, we will discuss the availability of such data through well managed data repositories with curation services during and beyond the lifetime of the system.
unfold_moreMethods and tools for analysis and visualisation of oceanographic and acoustic measurements from the HiAOOS mooring network in the Arctic Ocean — Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller
Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller 1; Emmanuel Skarsoulis 2; Arild Sundfjord 3; Øyvind Foss 4; Ilona Goszczko 5; Mathilde B. Sørensen 6; Marianna Anichini 7; Philippe Blondel 8; Astrid Stallemo 9; et al.
1 Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences; 2 Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas; 3 Norwegian Polar Institute; 4 Norwegian Polar Institute; 5 Institute of Oceanology PAS; 6 University of Bergen; 7 University of Bergen; 8 University of Bath; 9 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing CenterFormat: Poster in-person
Poster number: #371
The EU-funded project High Arctic Ocean Observation System (HiAOOS) aims to implement a large-scale network in the Nansen and Amundsen Basin, including four multidisciplinary moorings in the deep basins and two experimental moorings north of Svalbard. Oceanographic sensors provide measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, ocean currents, and sea ice while acoustic instruments measuring ocean sound facilitate for acoustic thermometry, underwater geopositioning, detection of underwater earthquakes, and monitoring of marine mammals and human activities.
Based on data collections from the earlier projects (CAATEX, INTAROS) and new observations from HiAOOS, a variety of methods and tools is developed for analysis of continuous, year-round mooring measurements. New tools for data processing and integrative analysis of ocean and sea ice measurements allow for ingestion of auxiliary products to explore data, generate statistics, and provide advanced visualisations. New methods and tools are developed for detection of earthquakes signatures and automatic identification of sound sources in passive acoustic recordings to understand the environmental impacts and contribution from human activities. New methods for inversions of long-range acoustic receptions to ocean temperature are developed for ocean thermometry. New techniques for detection of low frequency acoustic signals are employed to test ranging and localisation for underwater geopositioning. Methodology for validation of ocean-ice reanalysis using acoustic receptions is established. Selected data and methods are ingested into Blue Insight, a digital modular platform for processing, visualization and sharing of ocean information. The poster will present the overview of methods and tools developed in HiAOOS for enhanced use of new observations.