27 March 2025 | 08:30 - 10:00 (MDT)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: UMC Fourth Floor - 425
Organisers: James Powell (University of Alaska Southeast, USA); Robert Orttung, George Washington University, USA); Laura Landrum (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA); Sean Asikłuk Topkok (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA); Stacey Lucason (Kawerak Inc., USA)
Session Description:
This session examines how multiple research projects can coordinate their efforts in Arctic communities for the purpose of reducing burdens on community members and increasing the efficiency and impact of research projects. We invite proposals from a wide range of researchers who are working in tandem across multiple research projects or who are interested in discussing methodologies for better researching effective coordination practices. We hope to discuss specific examples that highlight the interface with traditional culture, subsistence, and sustainability. We will discuss gaps in the existing literature on the science of coordinating team science and opportunities for research and community collaboration.