28 March 2025 | 08:30 - 12:00 (MDT)
Open Session - HYBRID
Room: UMC Second Floor - 247
Organisers: Mariama Dryák-Vallies (Polar Science Early Career Community Office, USA); Natasha Haycock-Chavez (Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)/NSIDC, USA); Jenna Vater (Navigating the New Arctic Community Office, USA)
Session Description:
Given the history of extractive research in the Arctic globally, Indigenous researchers and communities are calling for greater involvement in research, often in the form of community-led research, co-production of knowledge, and/or community-based monitoring. Early career researchers are involved in this type of research and are excellently positioned to be positive agents of change. At the same time, expectations for early career researchers to ‘produce’ on short timelines early in their careers can pose additional challenges to building long-term, respectful, and intentional relationships with communities they are working with in the near-term.
We welcome abstracts for talks from researchers, Indigenous scholars, Arctic community members in all stages of their careers involved in community-led research to share their work, including lessons, stories, and strategies for successful capacity sharing. We encourage abstracts with an emphasis on how early career researchers working to center Indigenous voices in their research can do so effectively. Stories of successes and failures are welcomed, and we intend to create a space for shared learning and reflection. Early career Indigenous researchers are especially encouraged to submit.
This session will be structured to create space for knowledge exchange, capacity sharing, and participation. We will begin the session with a series of talks, and the remaining time will be dedicated to a round table discussion between the panelists and an opportunity to hear from and engage with audience-members.