5.8. Call for Highlights of Advancing Co-production in Arctic Research

26 March 2025 | 13:30 - 15:30 (MDT)

Open Session - HYBRID

Room:  UMC Fourth Floor - 425

Organisers: Sandy Starkweather (University of Colorado, CIRES/NOAA, USA); Margaret Rudolf (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA); Stacey Lucason (Kawerak, Inc., USA); Alice Bradley (Williams College, USA); An T. Nguyen (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)


Session Description:

An open call for presentations on co-production in Arctic research, including examples of project-level innovation, trainings, metrics, evaluation, institutional changes, and research prioritization. Recent calls for co-production in Arctic research have pointed to numerous challenges, including institutional barriers presented by university systems, models of academic advancement, and the current peer review model for funding and publication in research. This open call session is a companion to the panel session, “Advancing Co-production in Arctic Research through Institutional Innovation and Change.” The conveners plan to balance brief presentations submitted through this open session call with discussion time for an interactive dialogue on co-production in Arctic research.
