Registration for attendance in the ASSW 2025, no matter if online or in-person, indicates the agreement of the participant to abide by the ASSW 2025 Code of Conduct.
Statement of Intent
IASC and the ASSW 2025 organisers are committed to maintaining a safe, welcoming, productive, and trusted meeting environment for all ASSW 2025 participants (including attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, ASSW committee members, management and staff, service providers, and others). As we gather to discuss and share science and different knowledge bases, we must remember to come with a willingness and open mind and foster good spirit (in multiple Arctic languages) so that we can create a sense of community – online and in-person. We get out what we put in, and we invite all ASSW participants to be intentional and thoughtful in their interactions. This Code of Conduct was based on work from many organisations, meetings, and contributions from ASSW participants.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to communicate that all meeting participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, respectful, and responsible manner at all times. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated.
Let’s weave our shared values into our actions!
- Be open, be welcoming
- Foster good spirit (in multiple Arctic languages)
- Embrace the joy, fun, and lightness in our important work
- Create a sense of community
- We get out what we put in
- Tie our values into our actions
- A wholistic approach, remember all our relations
Engagement Principles and Guidelines
- Value different views and opinions - speak without judgment or argument.
- Strive for transparent and open communication.
- This is an opportunity to be curious - put aside assumptions.
- Share the air - we all have something to learn and something to share.
- Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative in speaking and listening.
- Don't prioritise or value some knowledges over others.
- Be aware of and address your place, intentions, power, and value to the place both as an individual and a representative of a group or institution.
- Please respect your fellow participants by using good practices for intercultural collaborations.
- The relationship between researchers and community should be reciprocal rather than extractive.
- Please ask people, including Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge holders, for explicit permission to use stories, ideas, and information shared during this meeting or future collaborations.
- Do not appropriate knowledge shared during this meeting or future collaborations.
- Be Accountable: When we fail to meet these guidelines, work together to identify problems and adjust our approach accordingly.
Expected Behaviour
- All participants are treated with respect and consideration, valuing differences in opinions.
- Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.
- Communicate openly with respect for others, critiquing ideas rather than individuals.
- Acknowledge the contributions of others.
- Avoid personal attacks directed toward any participants.
- Not knowingly make false or misleading statement(s) (or engage in activities) that could be viewed as offensive or defamatory to a conference participant or organisation.
- Be mindful of your surroundings, of your fellow participants, and of meeting etiquette. Respect scheduling and direction from a chair, moderator, facilitator or leader.
- Alert ASSW organisers if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
- Participating in ASSW meetings assumes that individuals have consented to their presentation being recorded; meeting organisers will be explicit when they are recording and sharing any meeting materials.
- Respect the rules and policies of conference venues, facilities, and platforms.
- Report any concerns regarding the conference or participant statements or behaviours directly to ASSW organisers.
Unacceptable Behaviour
- Harassment, intimidation, violence or discrimination in any form will not be tolerated.
- Abuse (verbal, written, or physical) of any participant or other ASSW guest, including intentional use of incorrect pronouns.
- Use of social or mainstream media to target individual actions of ASSW participants in a way that could harm their privacy and/or reputation.
- Disruption of presentations at ASSW meetings, sessions, or at other events organised around ASSW at the meeting venue, hotels, or other contracted platforms / facilities.
- Examples of unacceptable behaviour include, but are not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or threatening or stalking any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, staff member, service provider, or other meeting guest.
Working Together for a Successful Meeting
It is important that all attendees feel safe and supported. All should be empowered to find an ally that they trust so that nobody is left to deal with issues alone. We hope that you feel free to reach out to IASC and ASSW 2025 leadership with any comments or concerns.
Social Media Policy
The ASSW 2025 embraces wider dissemination, collaboration, and partnership. During the event, many of our speakers will be presenting exciting novel research that is not yet published and we respect the speakers’ right to request that their work not be shared across social media. Please make it clear during the talks if any data, research plans or other information need to be kept confidential. The ASSW 2025 prohibits posting conference materials, screenshots of chat room discussions or comments, questions, recordings of the conference outside of our on-site and virtual space without consent. Online, In-Person, and Hybrid events need to be safe spaces for discussions. However, please note, that some images might be taken during the event by the organisers to be used on ASSW website and social media. Please contact
Provided there are no restrictions on dissemination, we encourage participants at the ASSW 2025 to share information through their social media accounts using the hashtag listed below. It is the responsibility of the ASSW participants to acquire appropriate permission to publish any photographs that feature other participants.